Alpha-Lipoic Acid – A Viable Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy now affects an estimated 15-18 million Americans. That means that close to 70% of the almost 26 million Americans with type 2 diabetes suffer from this sometimes debilitating condition. And while there are approximately 100 different causes of neuropathy, diabetes ranks highest on the list, accounting for a full one third of neuropathy cases.
Symptoms associated with diabetic neuropathy can be quite aggressive and include pain, loss of sensation, tingling and even weakness, typically affecting hands and feet.
Clinicians and researchers in Europe have long known about the effectiveness of a common nutritional supplement, alpha-lipoic acid, as an effective approach to diabetic neuropathy. But here in America most patients are given pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms. And yet, wonderful clinical data now confirms the profound effectiveness of alpha-lipoic acid in treating diabetic neuropathy.
Both the well-conducted research as well as my own clinical experience in using this nonprescription approach to treating diabetic neuropathy will keep alpha-lipoic acid in my tool kit.
Lipoic acid is a potent and protective antioxidant that is both fat and water-soluble. That means it can penetrate virtually all of the body’s tissues, including the brain and nerves. In addition, it acts as a heavy metal chelator, helping the body rid itself of toxic metals like lead and mercury. It also helps maintain levels of another brain important antioxidant, glutathione. That’s why I’ve included lipoic acid as one of my “super seven” fundamental supplements.