Can Peripheral Neuropathy Go Away On Its Own?

About Peripheral Neuropathy

The peripheral nervous system connects nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body to include the hands, feet, mouth, and face. The functions of these nerves are to send and receive signals to and from the brain and are responsible for sensations of pain, facial expressions, voluntary and motions of the extremities.
Whenever there is damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system resulting in variety of symptoms then this condition is termed as Peripheral Neuropathy. As a result of this condition, the affected individual may perceive pain sensation when there is actually no injury or condition that may cause pain. The individual may have a lack of sensation and may not be able to differentiate between hot or cold.

In majority of the cases, Peripheral Neuropathy is caused by diabetes, but an injury or other systemic illnesses, or an inherited medical condition may also result in damage to the peripheral nerves resulting Peripheral Neuropathy.
This condition can be quite uncomfortable but there are treatments that can help with the symptoms of peripheral Neuropathy.

Can Peripheral Neuropathy Go Away On Its Own?

The answer to this question is, in some cases Peripheral Neuropathy can go away on its own as they have a great ability to heal themselves. This self-healing process of peripheral neuropathy may take months to years but recovery in some cases is possible. If the peripheral nerve is damaged as a result of a trauma or injury such as during a surgical procedure, an act of violence like a gunshot wound or a stabbing injury, or a motor vehicle collision then there are high chances of the nerve healing itself albeit slowly.

However, if the damage is caused due to an underlying medical condition like diabetes or it is caused due to radiation being done to treat some form of cancer then the chances of the damaged peripheral nerve recovering is quite low. In such cases, the symptoms of neuropathy may calm down to a certain degree but may not completely go away.
In conclusion, in certain situations, Peripheral Neuropathy can go away on its own albeit slowly but this is not always the case. Peripheral Neuropathy caused by medical conditions like diabetes or radiation being done to treat cancer does not go away on its own and even treatment may lessen the symptoms but cannot permanently cure Peripheral Neuropathy.