8 subtle signs your Narcissist is Finished and done with you:

Things seem to be changing fast..
It feels like your narcissist is losing interest in you. Maybe this is what is your biggest worry for quite a few days.
It is a known fact that narcissists easily dump and move on to new partners. so is this the same situation for your relationship too?
How to know if a narcissist is finished with you? What are the signs he/she generally shows when they are done with you and ready to move on?
Today I am going to reveal everything about narcissist’s behavior, actions, when he is no longer interested in you in other words when he is finished with you..
If you are reading this post.. You might probably know who a narcissist is..
A Narcissist is a person who feels excessive greatness about himself and the things he has accomplished. This peculiar belief makes the person feel extremely confident and completely lack empathy.
Without discussing much about the narcissist’s psychology, his manipulative actions, I’ll jump straight to the point..
How to know if a narcissist is finished with you..
8 subtle signs your Narcissist is Finished and done with you:
See, you may have already seen many websites which bombard you with some absolute non sense, which are no way practical. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life.

Sign 1: He/she is no longer that charming flirting partner:
One of the important and common things of a narcissist is their charming and alluring nature. Even in a relationship, the narcissists continue flirting and teasing with their partner so much. This is what makes the other person feel the narcissist to be the most charming person with full of energy.
So, when a narcissist is finished with you, this is the first thing you are going to see disappeared. Yes, if your narcissistic partner who is a natural charming individual is no longer interested in teasing you or flirting you, then it is the first sign that he/she is finished with you.

Sign 2: They start devaluing you:
As I have already told, narcissists completely lack empathy. They don’t care what others feel or think. Thus, when a narcissist loses interest in you, he/she tends to say whatever they like. In other words, they start devaluing you.
To be more elaborate, the narcissist now feels that you are completely worthless and don’t have any value. This feeling is the core of devaluing you and is a clear sign that the narcissist is almost finished with you.

Sign 3: He completely ignores and doesn’t care when he is busy:
Is he ignoring you at completely random times (especially when he is busy)? Is your narcissistic partner neglecting you and coming up with lame excuses that he is busy? Then this is a clear sign that your narcissist is no more interested in you.
Narcissists feel that their time is very important and thus will almost ignore everything that they feel useless. So, ignoring you when he is busy and talking to you only when he is free, is a clear sign that the narcissist is no longer loving you.

Sign 4: He stops spending time with you especially in public:
Tell me will you show off something that is not at all worthy or great? The same is with the relationships. Your partner shows off the relationship only until they feel that their partner is worthy.
This is even more in case of narcissists. If the narcissist is not spending time with you in public. If your narcissist is hiding you and your relationship from knowing to others, then it is the most obvious sign that he/she will soon break off the relationship and will not come back.

Sign 5: He gets irritated with you so often:
Although this is not special with narcissists, this is one of the most common signs that clearly show that your partner is finished with you. So, figure out the number of times he is getting irritated with you. Compare this with the number of fights during the initial days of your relationship.
You could clearly observe how your relationship and your narcissist is losing interest in you and the relationship.

Sign 6: Doesn’t care even if you are crying for them:
If you observe narcissists, you can clearly figure out that most of the narcissists tend to feel secure when the other person cries or gets depressed for them. So, whenever you cry for the narcissist or for the relationship, the narcissist tends to feel in control of you.
So, when a narcissist is completely done with you, he acts as if he doesn’t care for you even if you are crying for them, just to see more and more depression in you. This can almost be considered as the last stage of the narcissist’s discard. In other words, he just wants to suck away the last narcissistic supply from you and leave you finally when he no longer gets the narcissistic supply.

Sign 7: Manipulating that you are a drama queen or not good for a relationship:
This is another biggest manipulation that is done by the narcissist when he/she is finished with you. All that narcissist does is manipulating your mind to believe that you are worthless and doesn’t possess any characteristics needed for a good woman.
Thus doing so, he gets control of the relationship establishing his superiority over you but unknowingly giving you a sign that he is going to leave you soon.

Sign 8: Starts speaking cheap about you:
Although this is a complex sign to observe, it is possible if you both have some common friends. As one of the common characteristics of a narcissist is to devalue others, this could be seen even in a relationship partner, once the narcissist is done with the relationship.
All the narcissist does is spill his beans of speaking cheap about you with his/her friends. This clearly shows that the narcissist gives no value to you and soon going to discard you. In simple, he is finished with you and has nothing to speak about you except some cheap things he feels for you.