27 Signs You Have Dyspraxia, aka Developmental Coordination Disorder
It took nearly 60 years for my father to learn that he had dyspraxia. Without ever understanding why, my dad had failed his driving test eight times, stepped on strangers’ feet every time he tried to dance, and couldn't follow a map. It wasn't until his 10-year-old daughter (me!) was formally diagnosed with dyspraxia, or developmental coordination disorder, that it began to register.
Sadly, the condition is often under-diagnosed or misdiagnosed. "Few physicians and parents and teachers are even aware of developmental motor disorders,” says Deborah Dewey, a University of Calgary professor who specializes in DCD research.
For me, it started with little things: Bumping into people in the corridors at school. Getting lost on my way to class. My teachers noticed other things, too: I walked oddly, hunched and tilting to one side, with my feet turned inward. I was formally diagnosed before I was 11, only a few years after the founding of the first-ever Dyspraxia Foundation.
The early diagnosis made me lucky. I knew why I walked into walls, doors, desks, my own feet. I knew why I struggled to interject into conversations at the right moment. I knew that it was OK to find the whole thing kind of funny, really, because it wasn’t my fault. Many dyspraxic individuals aren't that lucky.
One reason for the lack of accurate diagnoses is that many people with dyspraxia don't present with symptoms as "classic" as mine. “Dyspraxia/DCD is a cluster of difficulties and can present with different difficulties,” says Michèle Lee, who chairs the U.K.'s Dyspraxia Foundation. “The common symptom is difficulties with gross and fine motor skills.”
Some people with dyspraxia are physically coordinated, but can't tell their left from their right and can barely hold a pen. Daniel Radcliffe, who has dyspraxia, struggles to tie his shoelaces. (Other public figures who have openly spoken about having the disorder include Cara Delevingne and Florence Welch.) There's also considerable overlap with ADHD, autism, and SPD.
If this sounds familiar, how can you find out if you have dyspraxia? Well, you can’t self-diagnose. You'll need to be professionally assessed by at least one specialist who has experience in the field. This can be tricky. It's a fairly new field, especially outside of Commonwealth countries. Even the DSM — the United States’ diagnostic bible, short for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — only made changes to its definition of "motor disorders," which now includes DCD, in 2013.
Here are some signs that could indicate you’re dyspraxic.
1. You’re Really Freaking Clumsy

That said: I have dyspraxia, and I was a clumsy child (and now I’m a clumsy grown-up). I spill things so often that it doesn’t startle me anymore, and I’m never surprised by unexpected bruises.
2. You’re Especially Self-Conscious

Kranowitz agrees: “A little kid may feel that he’s 'no good' at beating the triangle, spreading apple butter on toast, donning dress-ups, or climbing monkey bars, so he’ll abstain. He feels he’s 'dumb' or 'no good at that' and doesn’t want to be scolded, cajoled, forced, or even noticed.”
She adds: "The underlying difficulty is physiological... and then it becomes psychological."
3. Your Balance Isn’t Great
I went to a Catholic junior school. We said the Lord’s Prayer standing up. I spent most of it with my eyes squeezed shut, trying not to fall backward or forward. I hoped God would understand.4. Doing Two Things At Once Is A Herculean Task

I’m also not great at walking and talking at the same time. Either I’m really into our conversation and you have to hold me back from cheerfully walking into lampposts/traffic lights/dumpsters, or I’m concentrating on not wandering into traffic and you’re wondering why I keep breaking off mid-sentence.
5. Your Eye-Hand Coordination Sucks

6. You Find Speaking And/Or Eating Weirdly Difficult

7. You Have A Hard Time With Daily Tasks That Involve Moving

- not bumping into anybody
- not tripping over
- not allowing a stray limb to knock over the main course
- choosing an object to pick up/stir/clean
- walking over to said object and actually doing the picking up/stirring/cleaning, and
- giving the impression you’re being helpful and not just hanging out in the kitchen like a hungry pet.
8. You Drink To Make The Symptoms Go Away

That said: "Most of the people I know do not drink as they are aware that their difficulties worsen,” Lee says. (Oops.)
9. You Have Trouble Coordinating Your Right And Left Sides
One of my brothers is very physically active, but he’s dyspraxic and struggles with coordination on the left side of his body. In other words, he knows that the right side of his body typically obeys his brain. The left side? Not so much.“Almost all the children I see have severe midline of the body issues and this impacts their ability to visually track, play sports, and so on,” says Susan Orloff, the founder and head of Children's Special Services, which treats learning and developmentally challenged kids and teenagers in Atlanta.
For other people, a very “classic” symptom of dyspraxia is the inability to tell your right from your left. Which brings me to...
10. You’re Not Sure Whether You’re Left Or Right-Handed

11. You Don’t Sit Normally
This is a weird one: I've never been able to sit at a chair normally. Instead, to be comfortable, I have to sit on one foot, or cross-legged, or with one knee up, or with my legs crossed, or with my feet on another surface. It helps me balance, I guess?12. Organization Is Not Your Forte

Organization is not my friend, but technology is. In order to function as a grown-ass woman, I keep a to-do list with an unholy number of subsections on every device (What To Remember, What To Do Today, What To Buy, What To Do Tomorrow, What To Just Not Forget) and go over it every couple of hours. If I suspect I’ll forget something, I scrawl it on my hand with a Sharpie.
13. Driving Is Just So Complicated

As for me? I took 20 hours’ worth of driving lessons before thanking my lucky stars for public transport and giving up. I would drift left when I thought I was driving in a straight line, and if it was an inanimate object in my neighborhood, I probably hit it at some point. Eventually, my driving instructor explained that I would need disability-specific driving lessons, switched seats with me, and drove me home. This was the end of my career behind the wheel.
And while we’re on the subject...
14. You Find It Incredibly Difficult To Learn A Physical Sequence

15. You Have Trouble Holding On To More Than One Thing At Once

16. You’re Easily Distracted, Even When You Want To Focus
As I mentioned, there’s significant overlap between ADHD and dyspraxia, which makes both difficult to diagnose. (Some people are diagnosed with both.) "My research has shown that most children with a motor impairment typically display problems in other areas,” Dewey says.As with ADHD, dyspraxic individuals can find themselves daydreaming when they’re genuinely trying to concentrate — another reason my teachers weren’t my biggest fans — and background sounds can really throw them off.
Like, for example, when you’re trying to sleep.
17. You Can’t Sleep At Night

18. You Just Don’t “Get” Maps

That’s how it feels to have no sense of direction. Look, I’m not talking about a “poor” sense of direction: Many people with dyspraxia have essentially zero sense of where they are in relation to the things around them.
Here’s a tidbit from an article in The Financial Times about a politician with dyspraxia:
When she returned from the summer break last year, British politician Emma Lewell-Buck searched in vain for her office.Spoiler: Her office was the same place it always had been.
You learn to use visual landmarks to get from Point A and Point B, and you follow the little dot on Apple Maps around like it’s your religion. Because...
19. Your Spatial Awareness Is Barely Even A Thing
This helps explain the “crashing into inanimate objects” part, and also the “difficulty with driving” issue. It seems to me that, when walking through a crowd, most people have an understanding of how to move one's body parts so you don’t walk flat into anybody. I repeat: This is most people.If you have dyspraxia, you might find yourself walking into strangers on the street constantly. Maybe you misjudge when a car in motion will pass you, so you almost trip over its bumper. You end up carrying Tide pens around in your bag because you can’t eat or drink anything without misjudging where it is in relation to your mouth and spilling it. (Wha? Me?)
Speaking of pens.
20. You Can’t Hold On To Your Pen

Not to mention...
21. Your Handwriting Has Been A Big Problem

22. You Talk Too Quickly (Or Too Slowly, Or Too Loudly, Or Too Softly)

For some people, a struggle to physically form words — as in, difficulty moving their tongue against their teeth to correctly form words — is their primary symptom of dyspraxia. (This is also known as speech apraxia.)
Especially when your other senses are overloaded. For example...
23. You Struggle To Hear Or Speak In Loud Environments
I don’t dislike loud noises. But I hate loud spaces when I’m trying to speak. It’s like walking through water: Maybe I can make my voice loud enough, but I can’t concentrate on enunciating and I become hard to understand. If I’m focusing on emphasizing words correctly, I’m not able to focus on raising my voice, and nobody can hear what I’m saying.This is one reason I lean toward that extra glass of wine when I’m in bars: The louder the environment, the more my senses are overloaded and the more I want everything to calm the hell down already.
24. The Way You Walk Is A Little Off
You know, in my mind, I walk just fine.I can assure you this is not the case.
I’ve been told that I walk an “s”-shaped path — hunched over, veering to the right, to the middle, then to the left, and back to the middle. If you’re walking next to me, I’ll bump hips with you. And not in that fun '80s way.
25. You Struggle Learning Some Skills, But Not Others

Me? I could not grasp the laws of physics, no matter how hard I tried. I took French for a full decade and never got past the most rudimentary of greetings. But I liked writing. I even liked writing lines 50 times over when I was in detention for daydreaming in class.
26. You Have Low Muscle Tone
This can occur for all sorts of reasons, of course, but is also a symptom of dyspraxia. I can stand up for long periods of time, technically, but I’m terrible at it. After a couple of minutes upright, I want to sit down so badly I can’t focus on anything else.27. You’ve Been Diagnosed With Other Disorders

Here’s the good news: If you do have DCD — again, don't self-diagnose, since dyspraxia can so often be confused with other disorders — there are treatment options. No, there's no “cure” for dyspraxia. However, you can improve your motor skills with occupational therapy; pick up assistive technology tips from online communities; treat speech difficulties with speech therapy; and address any psychological issues with a licensed therapist and/or psychiatrist. You can get more information about how to get a diagnosis here.